Fourth Day of the Yatra
Bus travel from Delhi to Ranikhet (350 Km)
The first day was the day we got the first feel of Himalayas the tall emerald mountains and undulating rivers.
The actual journey started on the fourth day. Those who were rejected in the medical examination wished us a Happy journey and Good darshan with tears in their eyes , those who were lucky prayed to the Lord to at least give a chance to those left out in the following year. Those who do not have serious health problem and were rejected for blood pressure have a chance to clear the medical exam and undertake the yatra subsequently. In that early morning also members of “Dharma yatra maha sangam” members had assembled there to bid us farewell, they also offered light snacks and a pouch containing pooja articles which included a silver Bilva leaf which can be offered to the Lord. We prayed to the Lord by singing the Pansakshara song ( Five syllable ) taught to us by Kailash Manasarovar yatra samiti members and started our yatra in the bus of KMVN chanting
Dharma yatra sangh members bidding us farewell.
The lady in picture is Seema pandit who undertook the yatrs for second time at the age of 70)
Namaste Asthu Bhagavan Vishveswaraya Mahadevaya thriyambakaya
thripurathakaya thri kalagni kaalaya kalagni Rudraya Nilakandaya
mirthunjayaya Sarveswaraya Sathasivaya sri man Mahadevaya namaha.
( Bow to you Lord of the Universe, the great celestial, three eyed, destroyer of thripura, Rudra, blue throated, destroyer of death, Lord of all and Sathashiva)
First we crossed the Holy river Yamuna on the ourskirts of Delhi and Holy Ganges at a place called Garudamukteswar , via Moradabad, Rampur ( place famous for its knives), Bilaspur and Haldwani reached Kathakodam (550 M altitude) at lunch time, two officers of KMVN travelled along with us to take care of our needs. We had our lunch in the KMVN guest house . Kathakodam is the last rail head point in this route. Up to this place we travelled in plains. After this the ghat section started. So our personal effects were transferred to two smaller buses suitable for ghat travel, as a precursor to the difficulties which we have to face during the course of the yatra, it rained heavily during this time and we transferred our luggage and changed buses in pouring rain. Our travel in the mighty Himalayas most scenic and gracious mountains started from here. Two police men of Uttaranchal Government travelled in the bus along with walkie-talkies through which the progress of the yatra was being conveyed to the District Collector and to Ministry officials at Delhi. They also provided us escort.
Ranikhet AmbalOn way to Ranikhet we crossed the beautiful Bim Tal lake enjoyed the enchanting beauty of the Himalayas and captured in video the undulating rives flowing in the mountains, in between we worshipped Mother Parvati at Kainchi where a beautiful temple is built called Vaishno devi temple. We reached Ranikhet ( 2000 M) one of the tourist destinations of Uttaranchal by evening. A picturesque town and the gateway to the Holy places of Kedarnath and Badrinath. We were told that we get a beautiful view of Himalayas here, since we reached late and as it was cloudy we were not lucky enough to have that grand view.
The ladies who sang bhajans The mother's who sang bhajan'sAt Ranikhet also the merchant’s association gave a reception to us in the local Shiva temple. The ladies who sang bhajans started weeping by seeing us, such is the reverence these people attach to the yatris. We stayed at the KMVN guest house and experienced the first cold night of the yatra . On the first day we traveled for about 350 Kms and had the first feel of the mountains and enjoyed the greenery and the undulating rivers of Himalayas. The first day was the day we got the first feel of Himalayas the tall emerald mountains and undulating rivers.Ranikhet Ambal
An introduction about Kumoan region in which we travel during the yatra. The northern hilly region of the erstwhile integrated Uttar Pradesh is now Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal) state. This state is divided into two regions namely Garwhal in the west and Kumoan in the east. During the yatra we travel in the Kumoan region. The legend of Lord Vishnu’s second incarnation Kurma (Tortoise) is linked . We saw in the legends of Kailash that Lord Vishnu took the form of Tortoise and supported the Manthara mountain used to churn the milky ocean. After that Lord Vishnu as tortoise is said to have rested on these hills for three months. It is believed that still the marks of the feet of the Lord are available in the mountains. So these mountains were called Kurmanchal which got transformed to Kumoan an interesting anecdote indeed. It is because of Kailash Manasarovar which is 865 Km from Delhi Kumoan region is also called Manaskhand. The region is serene, calm, peaceful and when we travel through this region we experience a rare serenity, a feeling unbelievable yet true, exhilarating, breathtaking, these words just fail to describe the beauty of Kumoan Region.
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