Lord Dancing bissfully at Holy Kailash
The sixth day of the yatra was a rest day after three days of trekking and the second high altitude medical examination was also carried out by ITBP doctors at Gunji this day.
The yatra can be divided into different phases first one is the stay at Delhi and preparation was the first phase and bus travel up to Mangti was the second phase the third phase was trek up to Gunji.
At Gunji the second medical examination is done and also a day of rest is given so that the yatris recoup and prepare themselves for high altitude trekking . The camps starting from Budhi consists of bunkers which are semi circular in shape and are made of insulated sheets so as to guard against cold. In one bunker about 8 yatris are accommodated . The blanket is made of yak wool and it was very light and comfortable. The camp at Gunji is situated at a beautiful location surrounded by snow covered peaks, away from the main village and nearer to ITBP camp. The main purpose of the rest at Gunji is for the medical examination at high altitude. But here only BP and the level of oxygen in the blood is measured, the ITBP doctors also check our medical reports . then these reports are kept at Gunji and are given back when we return after completing the yatra. Very rarely are yatris disqualified medically at Gunji but it do happen as the amount paid to KMVN is non refundable those yatris are taken for the Adi Kailash ( Earlier Kailash) or Chotta Kailash ( Small Kailash) yatra .
In our group luckily no one was disqualified in the second medical examination here at Gunji. Mudgal and Sanjeev Mittal were asked to use the pony instead of trek as their systolic blood pressure was high . At the camp facilities are there for washing of clothes as the wind velocity is high here the clothes got dried in a jiffy. Hot water was provided for bath. The ITBP doctors also gave good tips for a safe journey , The doctors are very considerate and were so good that they gave consultation on our general health also. Especially the doctor who examined me warned me about the high triglycerides and advised me have regular blood checkup to monitor cholesterol levels.
One of the good tips provided by the ITBP doctors here was that normally when we climb altitudes we tend to get head ache. There is no use taking any medicine for this the only remedy is to climb little more and then come down then the headache will disappear. We found that it is indeed true at Gunji itself when we trekked upto Vyasa temple and returned we found that the headache has disappeared, we experienced the same in subsequent days also. There is a temple in Gunji ITBP camp were we all prayed for a good darshan and also sang bhajans along with the jawans of ITBP in the nights . One satellite phone is available here and the rate is Rs 40/- per minute of call. Electricity is available only limited period in the night a generator is available for this purpose, we can charge our rechargeable batteries of Cameras here After the medical examination and lunch some of our group members visited the native village near by and enjoyed the beauty of the Beans region. A day’s rest really revitalized every one of us. The sixth day was the day of rest and second medical examination. Shri Appa Rao in front of the accomodation at Gunji
At the camp facilities are there for washing of clothes as the wind velocity is high here the clothes got dried in a jiffy. Hot water was provided for bath. The ITBP doctors also gave good tips for a safe journey , The doctors are very considerate and were so good that they gave consultation on our general health also. Especially the doctor who examined me warned me about the high triglycerides and advised me have regular blood checkup to monitor cholesterol levels. A quaint house at Gunji Village
One of the good tips provided by the ITBP doctors here was that normally when we climb altitudes we tend to get head ache. There is no use taking any medicine for this the only remedy is to climb little more and then come down then the headache will disappear. We found that it is indeed true at Gunji itself when we trekked upto Vyasa temple and returned we found that the headache has disappeared, we experienced the same in subsequent days also. There is a temple in Gunji ITBP camp were we all prayed for a good darshan and also sang bhajans along with the jawans of ITBP in the nights . One satellite phone is available here and the rate is Rs 40/- per minute of call. Electricity is available only limited period in the night a generator is available for this purpose, we can charge our rechargeable batteries of Cameras here After the medical examination and lunch some of our group members visited the native village near by and enjoyed the beauty of the Beans region. In the night we visited the Gunji temple and had a nice bhajan with the ITBP jawans. A day’s rest really revitalized every one of us.
The sixth day was the day of rest and second medical examination.