First Day's Parikrama - 1
La Chu River
On the first day of the parikrama one gets the darshan of all the four faces of the Lord. In the morning at the start of the parikrama one gets the darshan of the south face and also the east face. From Yamdwar again one gets the full view of the south face and as one proceeds on the parikrama again gets the darshan of the west face and at the end of the parikrama ons gets the darshan of the North face of the Lord and stay at the feet of Lord. On this day only one stays very close to the Lord.
Different shapes of the mountain

Beautiful Massifs of Kailsh ranges

Beautiful Massifs of Kailsh ranges

The trek this day is along the banks of La Chu river in the Barkaha valley and the up and downs are not steep and the gradient is gentle and now the path has been converted into a two way mud road. As ambulance and emergency vehicles run upto Deraphuk, always there is help at arms length. One can easily trek this stretch. On both sides of the path there were tall mountains in different shapes and sizes.
The trek route is now a motorable two way path
Milrepa foot print rock
A sparrow
This time we could see lot of birds on the parikrama path sparrows were ubiquitous also there were and Ravens, Eagles and many other birds of the Himalayas.
A bridge across La Chu river decorated with prayer flags
Parikrama continues
Rajan - Sherpa - Suganthi
Our Sherpas themselves doubled as porters as local porters were not available. The path was almost flat with gentlw slopes of up and down occasionally.
A moraine formed by a waterfall
A Hotel on the route
Compared to last yatra. The facilities this time were better. There were public toilets on the route, though they were Chinese type it was there. All along the route there were dustbins which were seldom used. As the no of devotees were more this year every place was brimming with waste thrown by them. Mobile towers were there and one can talk to anybody on the way. Many new hotels were also there. The trek upto west face was uneventful please wait on how it ended.
The Holy yatra continues . . . . . .