Stay at Manasarovar
Early morning darshan of Mt.Kailash
During the night we enjoyed the beauty of Manasarovar on a near full day next day we enjoyed the beauty of both Manasarovar and Mt Kailash at the time of sunrise.
Manasarovar at sunrise
The beauty of Manasarovar changes every minute, one can never fully capture all those moments. We were lucky to witness many of thosw changing faces of the Holy lake as well different views of Mt. Kailash throughout the yatra.
The collage of the creator
On this rest day we completed the one of the most important duty of this yatra . We conducted homams on the shore of Manasarovar as a measure of abundant gratitude. It is believed only those chosen devotees are allowed to set foot in this Holy Land. So all the devotees thank Shivasakthi by offering whatever is possible in the homam fire.

Personal deities of the devotees

Everybody had their second ablution in the Holy Manasarovar Lake and did abisegham to their personal deities which were brought to the yatra and decorated them with bilva leaves and did pooja to them and sat for the homams.

Another view of Manasarovar
Homam on the shores of Manasarovar
One group of devotees chanted Rudram and Sama ganam, other group chanted the Holy five syllables OM Namashivaya, another group sang the Tamil Thirumurais and Ganesh Homam, Maha Mrutnjaya Homam, Holy Namashivaya Homam, Durga Homam were conducted. Every devotee brought so much items for the Homam that the homams stretched for about 2 hrs.
Group singing Tamil Thirumurai
Group chanting Rudram and Sama Vedam
The right curved Holy fire
The group of Sherpas
Chiu Gompa on the hillock
This asphalted road leads to Darchen
After completing homam we had lunch and left for Darchen the base camp for Kailash Parikrama by bus.
The sherpas took care of all of us. they guided us, cooked food, transported the luggage and were of immense help always. our sincere gratitude to all of them.
Chiu Gompa on the hillock
This asphalted road leads to Darchen
After completing homam we had lunch and left for Darchen the base camp for Kailash Parikrama by bus.
The Holy yatra continues . . . . . . . . .
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