Jomsom to Muktinath by Jeep
According to the Skanda Purana, a
Hindu Scripture these shalagrama-shilas
appear in various colours, shapes, and markings. Their colour may be either
black, blue, yellow, whitish, blood-red or tawny coloured. Their shape may be
either smooth, rough, uneven, very plump, or frog-shaped. They may be without
markings, marked with one chakra, many chakras, large chakras, broken chakras,
a chakra in the middle of a circle, or with one chakra attached to another.
Some shalagrama-shilas exhibit a large mouth and others a down-turned mouth. -
The Skanda Purana also enumerates the good and bad results derived from
venerating different types of shalagrama-shilas. Worshiping a smooth shila
brings mantra-siddhi (perfection in the chanting of one"s given mantra).
Black shilas bestow fame, yellow shilas give sons, whitish shilas destroy one's
sins, blue shilas increase wealth, and blood-red shilas bring diseases.“Shalagramas do not require
installation ceremony. When one begins the worship of shalagrama, however he
should start with elaborate puja using all articles. The worship of shalagrama
is the best form of worship, better than the worship of the sun. Any person who
has seen Salagram Shila, paid obeisances to Him, bathed and worshiped Him, has
achieved the results of performing ten million sacrifices and giving ten million cows in charity. He who takes the charanamrita of shalagrama destroys
all sinful reactions at their roots, even the killing of a Brahmana. “By taking
the remnants of foodstuffs offered to shalagrama, one will get the result of
performing many sacrifices. One who has
drinked the water that bathes a Shaligram at least once in life time won't have
to suck his mother's breast for the second time. He has attained Moksha

Kali Gandaki River

The quaint bridge across Gandaki River
A new bridge is under construction
Shalagramas need no consecration and can be worshipped straight away. These are identifiable from other stones by special markings which
resemble Vishnu's paraphernalia such as mace, conch, lotus, and chakra. Narasimha,
Varaha, Vamana are the popular forms of worship. They are usually kept closed in a box and are only
brought out for daily puja.. The Shilas
are usually hereditary and are passed down through many generations, never
being purchased or sold.The legend of Muktinath is also linked to
Shalaigrama- shilas we will see some of them.

Map showing Lubra Muktinath trekking route
Recently renovated Bonpa Monastery at Lubra
first legend is that Salangayna Rishi son of
Vishvamitra performed severe
penance towards Mahavishnu on the banks
of Gantaki River under a Sal tree for a progeny. Pleased with the penace of
Salangayana Maha Vishnu appeared before him and granted the boon and as per the
request of the Rishi stayed here and bestows His blessings as

The dirt road leading to Muktinath
The other Legend is the story of Tulasi the Holy Basil
palant. Tulasi was the wife of Jalandarasura, she was a very chaste woman. Jalandara had a
boon that he will be defeated in war when his wife loses her chastity. Once during a fight
between Lord Shiva and Jalandara, Lord Vishnu disguised as Jalandara visits
Tulasi who is tricked her. Because of
this Shiva wins the battle. After the truth is known Tulasi curses Mahavishnu
to turn to stone. Mahavishnu explains her that in the previous birth she had performed
penance to get Vishnu as husband and so
that only it happened like this and gave an exalted position to her that she
will turn to Tulasi plant which will adorn Him always. He will stand as Shalagrma hill and she will
also turn into Gantaki river which will cut the mountain to Shalagrma-shilas. According to the Narada purana “It is impossible to fully explain the importance of Tulsi leaves (Holy
Basil) in the worship of shalagrama, as Tulsi is the most beloved consort of
Hari in the form of shalagrama.”
Solar cookers resembling dish Antennae

Two wheeler station on the outskirts of Muktinath

Two wheeler station on the outskirts of Muktinath
more legend is the story of beautiful comfort woman called Gandaki. She had a
strange habit that she treated the male who cme to her every night as her
husband served him like a dutiful wife. Oneday a handsome youth visited her ,
she treated him also as her husband and served him, at the time of bathing she
found him to be a leper, her relatives asked her to turn him out immediately,
but as her wontnursed his wounds he
served him and truthfully. In the
morning she found that the youth was dead, as per the custom she wanted to
perform sati, when she was to enter the fire a miracle happened, the fire
extinguished itself and the youth came alive and there stood Lord Maha Vishnu smiling, along with Conch, Chakra, mace and lotus like
an effulgent sun. He blessed Gandaki and told that he enacted this drama to
make her devotion public and gave her three boons, but she asked just one boon that
she should be always with Him, Vishnu
blessed that when he will turn into
stone by a curse she can surround Him
like a garland in the form of river. So
Gandaki turned into a river and she circles the Shalagrama mountain still today.
A wooleen knitting lady
By mini bus we
reached the banks of Holy Gandaki as the
water is muddy here and black in color
the river is also called Kali Gantaki, some other names of Gantaki are
Shalagrami, Hiranyavathi, Narayani,
Samta Gantaki. There we tried our like searching for Shalagrmams but we were
not lucky. Later we crossed a old quaint wooden bridge across the Gandaki river and reached Lubra
village where the jeep station for
travel to Muktinath is situated. We also
a new bridge is coming up across the
river. Later our guide told that the Nepal Givernment is planning to build a
highway upto Muktinath for easy movement pf pilgrims and the same can be used
by Kailsh yatris also to enter into Tibet via Thorang La pass.

Thrilling two wheeler ride to the Muktinath Shrine

The welcome arch
The Muktinath jeep station is situated on the outskirts of the village and to reach the temple one has to walk for about one K.M and also have to climb some 500 steps. But for the benefit of the pilgrims motor bikes are available. The local youth have taken to vocation to help the pilgrims in this process they also earn some money during the season. They give a token as a mark of identification and on the return we can travel by any motor bike. This bike station is situated at a distance form jeep station and one has to walk between them but on the return at the request of the pilgrims they drop at jeep station. Some of the pilgrims in our group used these bikes but some of them preferred to walk to the temple.
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