First Day's Parikrama - 3
Darshan of the Vamadeva (North) face of the Lord
The parikrama route
Restaurants along the route
After the enthralling darshan of the Lord at Second Prostration point we took some rest had our lunch and continued our parikrama. The route was near plain we could not get the full view of the Lords face as He was shrouded by cloud. But slowly we trekked chanting the Holy five syllables.
West and North faces( Because of cloud cover the faces are not clearly visible)
Along this stretch some things happened which is worth mentioning here. On the way one obese yatri was struggling to walk even with the help of two porters. He requested us to relinquish the pony and help him. When the pony was offered he could not clinch deal as the pony handler wanted more money so we left. Again after some time one of our Co-yatri was facing the same problem , you can easily guess that he was also obese. We gave the pony to him and started walking. The importance of fitness and body mass index less than 27 which is insisted by Govt. can be fully understood from this episode. If you are obese pl. hire a pony though it will cost you otherwise you will face problem.

An exotic Himalayan small bird
Darshan of the North face of the Lord
While we were trekking suddenly a dog appeared from nowhere it was somewhat different in its appearance and started walking along side us for some time and ran away. What was its significance we didn't realize then but when we completed the parikrama only the real significance became clear to us. Are you curious to know the secret follow us till the end of parikrama and you will know.
Darshan of the Lord inbetween Vajrapani and Avalokitheswara

The rest house in which we stayed

Close up view of the North face
The weather was changing faster and black clouds started gathering and cold also increased it was difficult as we were approaching Deraphuk to walk as it was uphill. but we hastened our pace and reached Deraphuk it started snowing and we scurried to a nearby tent and took shelter there. It snowed heavily for about half an hour. In the next post we will enjoy the beauty of a snow covered mountain.
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